Thursday, January 23, 2014

LiveDrive Cloud Backup Service

Livedrive is a fully featured online backup, file syncing and online storage tool that offers a variety of flexible plans for computer users of all types. A basic Livedrive account provides unlimited storage space for a single computer for just $7.95 a month or $79.95 a year. More advanced accounts provide storage space (so you don’t have to keep files on your computer) and file syncing between multiple computers.
The biggest selling point of Livedrive is that it can do a little bit of everything. For users that need a simple backup plan, the basic Livedrive account provides unlimited storage space for a single computer. Other plans can be used to store files online and sync files between computers. Livedrive also provides numerous other features such as mobile apps, file sharing and FTP support.
LiveDrive Features
It’s worth mentioning the difference between backup and storage because Livedrive offers both. The unlimited backup plan costs $7.95 a month and gives you as much space as you need. The thing to remember is that backup space can only be applied to files that you have stored on your computer. The unlimited backup plan does not store files that you remove from your computer.
The storage plans, on the other hand, do not require files to remain on your computer. With storage space, you can store files online and then delete them off your computer to make more room at home. Storage plans are priced at $14.95 per month for 2 TB of space and $24.95 for 5 TB of space. These prices are among the best in the industry on a per-gigabyte basis.
Livedrive offers several different plans, each with their own set of features. The basic backup plan provides simple online backup for your files. Other plans include features such as file syncing, file sharing and FTP access. You can learn more about which features come with each plan below.

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